I told myself today that things will get better for us and we won't always be apart...
I found comfort in the way we both smiled when we were last together and how seeing each other makes us come alive...
With every photograph, I look at I am reminded of the amount of love I have for you inside my heart and how important it is to make sure you always know...
It may not be today or tomorrow that we can be together but it will be someday soon and I know that no matter how long it takes it will be worth the wait...
Because there isn't a single soul that I could miss or love more than yours. So, while you are there and I am here, think of me and I'll think of you too...
Visualize me holding you and laughing with you. See the smile on my face as I walk towards you. And remember the first time we met and how it made you feel...
Promise me whenever you are alone and missing me that's what you'll hold onto until you're in my arms again....
And I will promise to continue loving you until I see you again and even more when I do...
"I love you...... Always......"
Memories Of You...