They say waiting is a sign of true love... a true test of a person's patience and heart. The Bible, speaks of this kind of love, this kind of generosity of a heart, and the willingness to be patient with the ones we simply just can't live without.
"And if it doesn't take you too long; I will wait on the edge of whatever reason you need until you come home to me."
"I have never had someone be patient enough to sit with me and listen to everything that is going on in my head. Not until I met him... He understood me in ways no one has or ever could. To have that kind of comfort and safe place is extraordinary so I feel it is only fair that I wait and understand that sometimes this is the best kind of love."
I do however believe that by waiting too long you can lose everything... I think the issue is people separate temporarily from bonds for whatever reason it may be; personal growth, soul searching, healing, or coming to terms with the truth in their hearts, and in this process, time is lost.
And so much time is spent not speaking or reaching out and the line of communication is lost. No matter how hard it is or how it hurts you maintain contact. Always leave a line of communication open not because it is the right thing to do but because your love is one of patience, understanding, and a level of the highest respect.
We won't always know the reasoning behind the decisions people make and that is ok. They may simply just need a little time to work through whatever is causing them to leave. I think it is important not to see waiting as a loss, but rather as again. You can really learn so much about your loved ones by sitting and observing their circumstances and their behaviours through the most difficult times.
Another layer of them to add to your already established knowledge of them. So the "waiting" is in itself another factor in building that bond. Not only will you learn more about your loved one but about yourself too. Many things about living come in lessons and can't be identified unless we take a step back, breathe and remain calm.
There will be times when waiting will prove that building a solid foundation personally, professionally, and in a relationship is the reason it was so successful. You must wait for a home to be built, a goal to be completed, and the train to arrive. So give yourself and the people you love the time that is needed (wait) with an understanding that you would want the same if the roles were reversed and being in love with them means giving them everything they need and the most important thing they'll ever need is.
Your time.
The Waiting...